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246 | What do you think about old people that live with their families? |
245 | Describe a person that you know well |
244 | What other animals have you seen in your area? |
243 | Talk about something that you lost |
242 | Preparing for Speaking |
241 | Describe two people from the same family. Please say |
240 | IELTS Speaking test in Brazil – January 2012 |
239 | Tell me about the house where you stay at the moment. |
238 | Interview |
237 | Do you think nowadays more people want to buy imported goods? |
236 | Describe your favorite restaurant. |
235 | When you replay this situation in your mind, do you still feel angry? |
234 | Describe a city/town that you like to visit. Please say |
233 | Speaking test |
232 | Preserve Old Building |
231 | Problem In A New School |
230 | Progress |
229 | Qualities Of Roommates |
228 | Reading Fiction Is More Enjoyable |
227 | Separate Schools For Boys And Girls |
226 | Topic = Somebody who has been an important friend to you |
225 | Part 2: The Long Turn |
224 | Avoid short, 'yes', 'no' answers. |
223 | IELTS Tips - Speaking |
222 | Sample IELTS Speaking Topic 2: |
221 | Sample IELTS Speaking Topic 1 |
220 | Describe an artist or entertainer you admire. |
219 | YOU, Describe yourself. |
218 | Students Attending Classes |
217 | General Questions Related to "Your Favorite Film" |
216 | Students Live In Dom Or Apartment |
215 | Success And Money |
214 | Teachers Salary |
213 | IELTS Part 2 Sample Answer: "Talk about your favorite film" |
212 | Things You Do Not Enjoy |
211 | Tips for the IELTS Speaking Section |
210 | Two Or More Friends |
209 | IELTS Speaking Tasks |
208 | General to Specific Exercise - A useful skill for speaking AND writing. |
207 | Connecting Sentences - So, you want to be band 7? You have to do this well! |
206 | Sentence Building - The key to a higher score! |
205 | strategies for the IELTS Speaking Test. |
204 | How to prepare for IELTS – Speaking Contents |
203 | IELTS Topics For Speaking Test |
202 | General IELTS Speaking Module II |
201 | General IELTS Speaking Module I |
200 | Part 5-preferences (music and travelling) |
199 | Academic IELTS Speaking Module 1 |
198 | Part 5-preferences (shoppings and movies) |
197 | Part 5-preferences (colors) |